Related targets
Goal 1: Poverty eradication
Target 1.4: land tenure
Target 1.5: resilience
Goal 2: Food security, nutrition, and agriculture
Target 2.3: land tenure security
Target 2.c: urban rural linkages in food markets
Goal 5: Gender
Target 5.2: safety
Target 5.a: ownership and control over land
Goal 6: Water
Target 6.1: access to drinking water
Target 6.2: access to sanitation
Goal 7: Energy
Target 7.2: access to renewable energy
Target 7.3: energy efficiency
Goal 8: Economic growth and employment
Target 8.3: job creation
Target 8.5: decent work
Target 8.6: youth
Goal 9: Infrastructure and industrialization
Target 9.1: access to infrastructure
Target 9.4: upgrading infrastructure
Target 9.a: financing infrastructure
Goal 10: Reduce inequality
Target 10.4: discriminatory laws
Goal 12: Sustainable consumption and production
Target 12.5: waste management
Goal 13: Climate change
Target 13.1: resilience and adaptive capacity
Target 13.b: capacity for effective climate change related planning and management
Goal 15: Terrestrial ecosystems
Target 15.9: by 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning and development processes
Goal 16: Peaceful societies and inclusive institutions
Target 16.7: governmental subsidiarity
Target 16.a: institutional capacity building
Target 16.b: non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Goal 17: means of implementation and partnerships
Target 17.14: policy coherence
Target 17.17: effective public-private and civil society partnerships