Existence and level of implementation of the legislative and regulatory framework on access to information

***Non-statistical indicator***

The Ministry of Justice has developed a new draft law on access to information. The new law is to transpose the international standards in the field, namely, the Tromsø Convention, the EU Directive on the reuse of public sector information, the public administration principles of SIGMA, the World Bank standards on the proactive disclosure of public information, etc.

The draft law on access to information, developed by the Ministry of Justice, was placed for public consultation on the particip.gov.md platform between 09.01.2023-03.02.2023, being adjusted according to the proposals received. The draft law, which comes to improve the legal framework in the Republic of Moldova regarding access to information, was voted in the first reading during the Parliament session of 11.05.2023. The draft law was adopted in final reading by Parliament on 09.06.2023 (Law no. 148/2023 on access to information of public interest).

A relevant indicator of this indicator is the INDEX OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION: measuring the transparency of public institutions in the Republic of Moldova, a study carried out by Freedom House. In this study, the quality of legislation and the performance of public institutions in ensuring access to information were measured systematically based on a series of criteria and indicators. Through this approach and extensive analysis, the aim was to make an objective and detailed assessment of the situation in the field. The results of the analysis will be reflected in the Index of Access to Information in the Republic of Moldova, which represents an indicator consisting of 3 elements: INDEX OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK 1. Correspondence of the legislative framework with international standards, 2. The level of proactive transparency, 3. The efficiency of access to information upon request, WHICH TOGETHER CONSTITUTES 100% OF THE SOURCE (https://freedomhouse.org/sites/default/files/2022-11/fh-Moldova_Access-to-Info-Report-2022_Rom-v2.pdf). In 2021, the first report was published that analyzed the degree of transparency of public institutions in the Republic of Moldova.

In 2021 the score was 46 out of 100, in 2022 - 47 out of 100.

This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from Moldovan statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Moldovan-specific metadata information.

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